Articles Balanced Life

Night Running

Only three weeks have passed since my last run, and I felt like I never ran before. Although it’s almost two years now since I started to run regularly, I still get the feeling of newbies when I stop running for a week or two. And the more I take a break from running the […]

Articles Balanced Life

Embrace Contrast & Break the Barrier

Since the Aswan Half Marathon, held last February, I didn’t exceed the 10k per run. Last two weeks I had a bad seasonal allergy, and I felt like I had never run before and got a sense of doubt whenever the thought of running came to my mind. It was a strange feeling as I […]

Articles Balanced Life

My First Official Half Marathon

When you love someone or something, sometimes you don’t have explanations for your behaviors toward your love, but here are some enlightenments of what happened before, during, and after the race. Just before the race started, I had one very short moment of tears in my eyes, maybe it’s the happiness for finally standing to […]

Articles Balanced Life

Hope for the Wind

Friday’s training was to run 10k, my final long run before the half marathon next week. Hesham my friend called in the morning and apologized for not running with me. Of course, I had second thoughts, should I go or just rest today? Especially since we were supposed to run in Wadi Degla and I […]

Articles Balanced Life

A Full Circle of Guilt & Pleasure

Thank god, I feel much better than expected after finishing the 21k, I followed the same routine of recovery: Immediate stretching, good hydration, cold water immersion, adequate healthy food, compression stock, and adequate sleeping. I did not get the back pain this time, but I did get some quadriceps pain, especially at the insertion, but […]