Articles Balanced Life

Egyptian Women Thank You

Back home after a long work day, opened the door and found my lovely wife waiting for me and suddenly I found out that I did not buy her birthday present yet. In a quick move I put my laptop on the table and told her I forgot something downstairs. Twenty minutes later I came […]

Articles Balanced Life

When your Heart follows Your Mind

Today was our weekly run date, 5:30 am “Sharp” said Amany the team leader last night before we went to sleep. 5:33 am we stared our way to downtown Cairo, showed my Garmin wrist watch. I tried to catch up with the group pushing my usual pace, witnessing the rising sun while crossing the kasr […]

Articles Balanced Life

A Runner at Dawn A doctor by day

9:15 am: Wake up 10:00 am: Taking the elevator with my wife on my way to work Five hours earlier… 5:30 am: Warming up in 26th of July street in Zamalek 6:00 am: Taking a selfie with the group in front of Ibrahim Pasha statue 6:15 am: Heading back on Kasr el Nile bridge watching […]

Articles Balanced Life

Group Run at 5:30 AM

If anyone told me a couple of months ago, that we will meet at 5:30 in the morning to run and take some pictures I will definitely say: No thank you, are you crazy? Well, I ran today at 5:30 am, took some pictures and I am not crazy, indeed I am an associate university […]

Arabic Articles

الوحدة و التوحيد

حين تقرر أن تدخل اختبارا وتحديا صعبا باختيارك وليس فرضا عليك فعادة ما يكون تحديا للنفس قبل أن يكون منافسة لأحد، وحين يصبح ذلك الاختبار تحديا للجسد و النفس و العقل فذلك ما يكون الأصعب. وحينما تكون في ذروة الاختبار تدرك معاني كثيرة قد تنساها في خضم الاحداث اليومية. يوما بعد يوم تفكر ما هي […]