Articles Thinking

Decide and Conquer: The executing stage

Now it’s time to decide and conquer. The executing stage is the third and final stage of the decision-making process.

The executing stage has four steps.

Decide and Conquer: The executing stage
executing stage

1. Select and execute

After doing your homework, it’s time to select your final decision.

Delayed firing

Avoid delay and not knowing when to fire and execute. At some point, the slight gains are not worth the incremental effort.

For example, you can edit your book forever, but there is no perfect writing. At some point, you need to actually publish. Keep in mind that the best decision needs to actually be implemented to really be the best choice. Otherwise, it stays a theoretical decision.

Premature firing

Avoid firing off too soon and coming to a premature decision.

Don’t be put under pressure by the time constraint, as it creates a false sense of urgency sometimes.

Don’t fall for the common mistake that the world is waiting for your decision. You did your homework; now it’s time to execute.

Want to learn more?

Check out The Decisions Academy

2. Monitor and Feedback

After execution, it’s best to follow up on your decision consequences and get feedback. For future decisions, you always need to calibrate your abilities to detect consequences and explore alternatives.

  • Did your decision properly execute your chosen alternative?
  • What about the tradeoffs?
  • Were they over-or under-valued?
  • Did you fulfill your objectives and principles criteria?
  • Did you accomplish your goals?

3. Realign if needed

Positive Feedback

If the feedback is positive, you’ll feel delighted. Whether you’re driving to your new job, going out with your wife, coming home to your new dream house, or waking up the morning after you broke up with your boyfriend.

You’ll feel that you made the best decision in your life

Go back to your decision-making sheets (DPS) and see whether your doubts were wrong or right. Check the pros and cons you put into your decisions.

It’s vital to enforce your decision-making process with feedback.

Feedback teaches us to make future decisions more efficiently and comfortably.

Satisfied with your decision – now go conquer.

Negative feedback

Ask yourself, “Will another decision realign my intended decision with my objectives, principles, and goals?”

If “Yes,” then start another decision-making process immediately. Decision after decision, you will realign again.

Does the problem relate to tradeoffs? If so, then ask, “Can I dampen the effect of my lost alternative (tradeoff)?” Think of involving the partners affected by your choice, and properly inform them why and how you made your choice.

For example, you quit your job, but your colleagues felt disappointed by leaving them before finishing the product you are working on together. Explain to them your concerns and the causes behind your decision.

Imagine you were supposed to go out with your friends, but you had to stay late at work. Call them and offer to go out the following week and that you’ll be available just for them.

4. Conquer

Decide and conquer is a way of life. You decided and got your feedback; now it’s time to “conquer.” There is always an opportunity after a successful decision to gain advantages.

For example, you decided to redesign a product, and it gained a good market share. Make another decision and start to work on the second edition of it.

Finished a 5k race for the first time in your life? Sign up for the 10k immediately.

If it’s a successful personal decision, a new relationship, a new job, or new running shoes, go conquer. Enforce your relationship with care and love, do your best in your new job.

Think of decisions as Alexander the Great defeating a long-held city, where the next town is miles away but easy to conquer. Will he stop? No, he will march on until the end.

You need to celebrate successful decisions. Doing so means treating yourself in a good way.

Reward yourself with something you like. Having a treat after successful decisions turn your decisions into habits.

If your decision involved multiple partners or had stakeholders, don’t forget to celebrate with them and reward them if you are the head of the decision-making process.


Remember, unexecuted decisions are ink on paper. Decide and conquer should be your motto.

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