Articles Thinking

Scorecard Example: Comparing 2 Jobs

Personal Balancing Matrix Scorecard Example Personal Blanaicng Matrix Scorecard is a decision-making tool for comparing small and big life decisions with multiple options. In this article, I will discuss a scorecard example for a job offer. Work Decision Say you got a call from two employers saying that you got accepted for two job offers, […]

Articles Thinking

Personal Balanced Scorecard for Decision Making

In 2006[i], Rampersad introduced the Personal Balanced Scorecard (PBSC)  and integrated four elements: internal, external, knowledge and learning, and financial. The Personal Balancing Matrix Scorecard (PBM Scorecard) is a balancing matrix with a scorecard based on the Balancing Matrix (BM) and the Balanced Life Equation (BLE).  “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” […]

Articles Thinking

Small decision Problem? Use the Balancing Matrix Lite

A great decision-making tool for small daily life decisions. Sometimes you’re struggling to make a small decision, and this is where the Balancing Matrix Lite (BML) is handy. For example, if you’d like to go out with your friends and want to choose a restaurant, or you can’t decide between staying at home or going […]

Articles Personal Thinking

Balancing System: My first decision-making software

This is the story of how and why I built a decision-making software. 1995, I was in high school, the internet was on the rise. We had an Apple Macintosh SE computer with a dial-up modem 2.4kb/sec speed attached to it. I started to learn the HyperTalk language to program HyperCard stacks, a program for […]

Articles Thinking

Are morning after pills effective: The case for decisions

You wake up the following day after making a decision and say, “Now what?” What did I do to myself? The morning-after pills are usually taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Are there pills you can take to protect against morning blues you may have in the morning after […]