The Solo Creator

The Solo Creator Issue 13

I am writing a novel in Arabic, let’s see if I will succeed this time.

Hello Solo Creators
During the past two months I was busy learning a new surgical tool, a robot. Robotics surgery has been around for the past 20 years. There were serval attempts of robotics surgery in Egypt but all of them ended abruptly.
Currently there are only two surgical robots in Egypt. One of which at the hospital I do work at. It’s such a huge career opportunity to have the privilege to work on this new device.
The robot is now working, so last week I had the opportunity to embark on a new project. Writing a novel. I am not sure if I will be able to continue or I will stop like the last time I tried.
Whenever I learn something new, I start with reading books I started with Save the Cat by Jessica Brody.
It gives you a cheat sheet to start your way into writing novels. But there is more in the book than the 15 steps or the 15 beats as she calls it. The most important item in your story should be your hero. What are his flaws and the journey he will take to learn a lesson? The hero should not end as he started the novel.
Years have passed and like many projects, we start and don’t finish, my novel writing project ended as an old document in a forgotten Dropbox folder.
January each year, people reflect and try to have a new year’s resolution. This year I came up with the 3-2-1 rule. One of my projects is a writing project. I do have several abandoned writing projects. The novel is just one of them.
I decided to go back a learn again how to write a great novel. I subscribed to a couple of writing courses on Reedsyand listened to audiobooks on Scribd. The latest book was The Science of storytelling by Will Storr.
Reading about how to write a novel makes you appreciate literature and watching movies. It gives you angles you never saw before.
That’s it for today, keep learning.

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