The Solo Creator

The Solo Creator Newsletter

The Solo Creator – Issue #1

the solo creator newsletter

In the past couple of years, I have published three books in three formats, eBook, paperback, and audio. I launched two podcast shows and one newsletter, and lastly, my online learning platform.

I have been on the internet creating content and building projects since the late nineties. Sometimes I succeeded, and sometimes I failed, but the one thing that I never stopped is creating. And I have done this all by myself. It might be a good or a bad thing, but there is always a new challenge that I like to do.

Many solo creators do have another full-time job and work in their free time on their side hustles. Being a solo creator allows them to save money and to work in their own schedule.

The Solo Creator newsletter is about solo creators 😊. I will write about writing, self-publishing, podcasting, newsletters, social media, online teaching, and building online projects without coding. Not in that specific order.

I will also write about the struggles and lessons learned during the creation, editing, launching, and distribution of online products. I will share my journey and build in public.

My current projects are primarily about decision-making in life and work: an online teaching platform, a podcast, and a newsletter. The Solo Creator newsletter is going meta. You will read about the process of creation.

You are welcome to join the other projects, but this newsletter is for you to read and learn about the creation process.

If you like what you read, subscribe and invite your friends.

The Solo Creator is now inactive.