The Solo Creator

The Solo Creator Issue 8

Hello Solo CreatorToday’s issue is about choosing a domain for your project. Choosing a domain for the Life & WorkMy favorite step in creating an online project is buying a new domain. I have owned domains since the late nineties, but unfortunately, I have never sold any. I may have dropped some along the way, even […]


Exploratory balancing matrix for decision making

A Great decision-making tool for making big life decisions The exploratory balancing matrix for decision-making is a tool based on checking the effect of your decision on the Balancing Matrix (BM). This tool comes hand in making big life decisions. The Balancing Matrix (BM) Seven decision domains form the Balancing Matrix (BM). You (body, mind, […]

The Solo Creator

The Solo Creator issue 7

Hello Solo Creator,The past three weeks, I have been very productive, and a lot has been going on my mind to move my blog, newsletter, podcast, and The Decisions Academy forward. I published 13 blog posts on decision-making. Most of the published posts are from my book In or Out. However, the blog posts are now much […]

Articles Balanced Life

Balanced decision making: How to live a balanced life

Balanced decision-making is a process that uses decision-making tools to output a balanced decision to fulfill a balanced life. The equation that outputs this decision is called the Balanced Life Equation. I created this concept while exploring and researching decision-making, starting back in 1995 with my decision-making software, Balancing System 1.0. In 2017 while writing […]

Articles Balanced Life

What does it mean to live a balanced life?

To live a balanced life, what usually comes first to your mind is balancing life and work. However, what does “life” means? Your family or your own private time? Does it include other circles of influence or circles of communication? Career and family balance There is no such thing as an ideal balanced life, so […]