The Solo Creator

The Solo Creator Issue 11 The Social Network for lifelong Learners

Hello Solo Creators
It’s been a long time since my last issue. Productivity usually takes a deep dive for me in August and September. October surprisingly wasn’t pleasant either.
I am busy applying for a promotion at work. I am currently an assistant professor of Urology at Cairo University, and I am preparing my papers for the Professor committee.
In addition, I was busy at work and consumed at home with family stuff in the past three months.
Anyways, I am glad to share with you the Beta launch of Sociolize. The Social Network for lifelong learners
If LinkedIn is for business, jobs, and connections, I would like Sociolize for learners, accountability, advice, and help.
A social network for learning platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, edx, etc.
Throughout my academic career, I never stopped learning and studying Urology as part of my career, profession, and simply for the love of learning.
However, I have always indulged in learning other skills, projects, and knowledge in a different and broad spectrum of subjects such as philosophy, political science, economics, behavioral science, and coding, to name a few.
I read books, wrote books and took many online courses, and attended workshops. Self-paced learning is challenging and requires perseverance, self-motivation, and knowledge of human behavior to overcome procrastination and imposter syndrome.
Sociolize is my product to help myself and others to indulge in a lifelong learning journey.
I want to build it with you in public.

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