Articles Thinking

How to manage uncertainties with risk profiling

This article is a continuation of my series on decision-making in uncertainty and the age of the Coronavirus. In my previous article, I explored the adaptive decision-making approach. This article is about risk profiling, another approach to managing uncertainties. Managing uncertainties with risk profiling You start by naming the key uncertainties, the outcomes, and consequences. […]

Articles Thinking

Adaptive decision making in uncertain times

Adaptive Decision Making In the past article, I explored how knowledge improves your decision-making in uncertain times. In this article, I will explore adaptive decision-making. An adaptive approach[1] in decision-making can improve your situation, especially in uncertainty. In this approach, you break big decisions down into smaller ones. Then while making every decision, use the […]

Articles Thinking

Fighting uncertainty with knowledge in the corona virus era

In the past few articles, I explored the meaning of uncertainty, especially in the coronavirus era; I also explored the relationship between knowledge, stress, and uncertainty. In the following articles, I will discuss how to deal with uncertainty. Today we are facing an enemy we cannot see. It already killed thousands, smashed economies, and people […]

Articles Thinking

Why are doctors more stressed and uncertain during the COVID-19 pandemic?

How knowledge affect your uncertainty and stress – a proposed graphic model Yes, I am stressed, and yes, I am worried. That was my answer when my wife woke me up in the morning, passing the tea and asking me if I should take a medication to calm down. I am not worried about what […]

Articles Thinking

Turning uncertainty into a determinism in the age of COVID-19

In the past article, I explored the meaning of uncertainty and how the Covid-19 is a typical black swan event. However, it’s still not a deep uncertain event. In this article, I will explore more types of uncertainty, how it affects our decision-making, and what nations should make to fight the pandemic uncertainty. Our daily […]