Articles Thinking

Fighting uncertainty with knowledge in the corona virus era

In the past few articles, I explored the meaning of uncertainty, especially in the coronavirus era; I also explored the relationship between knowledge, stress, and uncertainty.

How to prevent the spread of Covid-19

In the following articles, I will discuss how to deal with uncertainty.

Today we are facing an enemy we cannot see. It already killed thousands, smashed economies, and people are already being laid off their jobs. Every day we are faced with a new challenge to fight this savage battle.

On every level, ordinary people, executives, and even governments are struggling with decisions they need to make. Crucial decisions that do not only affect their money or jobs but sometimes their own lives and their beloved families and friends.

Number one effective strategy to deal with uncertainty and stress is to have more knowledge about the enemy you are facing.

In this article, I am concerned more with uncertainty and decision making for individuals.

How to gain more knowledge about the corona virus?

Finding trustful resources nowadays is not as easy as it sounds. Even the president of the united states spreads false information. He recently announced the approval of two drugs for the treatment of the coronavirus, which is a false statement.

World Health Organization

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

UK Government

You can also message the WHO through WhatsApp and receive the latest news and correct information. Add the following number to your contact list and send “hi.” You will then receive a welcome message containing all the options where you can reply with a number or an emoji to get answers to the question you asked.

Having the right information on the matter you are dealing with is essential in decision making. If you have wrong inputs into your decision-making process, eventually, you will have incorrect outputs. Understanding your enemy is the first right move.

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