Arabic Projects

MDLinked – خدمة ارسال مواعيد المحاضرات الطبية في تخصصك

خدمة ارسال آخر المحاضرات الطبية للأطباء


MDLinked – Medical Webinars Notification Service

An email notification service with the latest webinars in your medical field right into your inbox #medicine #medical #education #webinars


Decision making in crisis

During a crisis, our ability to decide is impaired. A crisis can be an event such as the death of a loved one, stressful times, or unexpected disasters. As these situations can happen at any time, so be prepared so you can make a decision during a crisis, or at least know how to handle […]

Articles Thinking

Covid-19 & terrorism

What to learn from decades-long lessons Covid-19 is a terrorist attack, and pandemics are terrorism. Complete lockdown, travel ban, several industries closure are unsustainable measures. One should think of more sustainable and effective ways to fight Covid-19 and future pandemics. Similarities between terrorism and pandemics Terrorism and pandemics are unpredictable; both strike unconditionally and spread […]

Articles Balanced Life

On Future of Work

For the past few years, I have been studying the effect of technologies on the future of work. Throughout the process of learning of this unfolding dilemma, I have read different reports with conflicting results. Some say that robots and artificial intelligence (AI) will replace many jobs soon. While others reported that there will always […]