The Solo Creator

The Solo Creator Issue 3

When I started The Solo Creator newsletter, my aim was to send the newsletter on a bimonthly basis. I didn’t choose a weekly schedule to be able to write on schedule with all the things I do in addition to this newsletter. However, this week I failed. Today we finished the 7th day of Ramadan. […]

Articles Thinking

3 tools to learn before you get a job

Getting a new job or leaving your job is a big decision. In this article, you will learn 3 decision-making tools before making the decision. 3 Decision-making tools to use before you get a job SWOT Analysis It’s a great decision-making tool for two options decisions. In the 1960s Albert S. Humphrey created this tool […]

Articles Thinking

Balance Sheets: A decision-making tool

Balance Sheets are a great decision-making tool for different types of decision-making problems. Best used for: Two options decisions Multiple options decisions Big life decisions Daily life decisions A balance sheet is a piece of paper with two columns. In each column, you list the pros and cons of the choices in question. You then […]

Anchor System Thinking Books

How to Make Life-Changing Decisions

Anchor System Thinking 2nd edition Decision-making in uncertain times requires a fresh approach. A deeper understanding of our problems and ourselves and how to make life-changing decisions. Dalai Lama declared that critical thinking is the most needed tool for our society today, and Shoukry has shared a system for critical thinking explained in simple terms. A. I. Shoukry a bestselling […]

The Solo Creator

The Solo Creator Issue 2

Before embarking on a creative journey, you need to ask the why question? For me, why do I write? There are moments of self-doubt where people shock you with the question, and you think for a moment, and the answer is simply, I love what I do. Even if I don’t gain fame or money […]