Anchor System Thinking 2nd edition

How to Make Life-Changing Decisions

anchor system thinking: how to make life-changing decisions
Anchor System Thinking 2nd Edition

Decision-making in uncertain times requires a fresh approach. A deeper understanding of our problems and ourselves and how to make life-changing decisions.

Dalai Lama declared that critical thinking is the most needed tool for our society today, and Shoukry has shared a system for critical thinking explained in simple terms, Anchor System thinking.

A. I. Shoukry is a bestselling author and founder of The Decisions Academy, introduces his tested mental model, Anchor System Thinking.

Struggling in making a life-changing decision? Want to make a big life decision? Then this is the book for you.

The second edition of this book and is now fully revised, focused, and targeted towards individuals to apply in their daily lives.

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Anchor System Thinking Book parts

This book is formed of three parts. Each part will take you a step further towards understanding and applying Anchor System Thinking (AST) in decision-making, planning, and problem-solving in your daily life.

1st – Introduction.
2nd – How to apply AST in life and work to make great decisions.
3rd – How to use AST on a larger scale for your business and society.

AST creates a personal network of decision gates to make choices consistent with your personal morals, ethics, and values. As such, you can evaluate your personal relationships and identify what is important and what is not and decide what can be made for the relationship’s best interests.

This book is short and easy to digest and finish. However, it is full of exercises. 

The change needed will always happen on your side and not on the pages. It is you who will make the decisions and not someone else.

Nobody understands yourself as you do, and if you do not, this will book will help you.

By the end of the book, you will understand where you stand, what you can and can’t change, and how to make decisions based on your core values, ethics, and personal preferences.

Enough for the talk now and start the journey.

Buy Anchor System Thinking book ♥