Published Books

by A. I. Shoukry

Here, I share my published books. All my books are available in e-book, paperback, and audio.

In or Out: A Practical Guide to Decision Making

In or Out A Practical Guide to Decision Making

Do you have trouble making decisions in all areas of your life? Discover a practical system for making decisions quickly and effectively to achieve everything you dream.

Do you feel like you’re balancing your jobs, relationships, and social engagements on a tightrope? Do your big and small life decisions weigh you down equally?

BONUS: Get Free instant access to Decisions In or Out Companion Workbook

A.I. Shoukry spent years looking into the decision-making process. He’s helped hundreds of people figure out how to make small and major decisions in their life a breeze. Now, he’s here to help you do the same.

In this book, you’ll get exclusive access to the balanced decision toolkit, with decision tools for balanced decision-making, a balanced life equation, a balancing matrix, and a personal balancing matrix scorecard.

Inside “In or Out,” you’ll:

· See how to easily make decisions affecting your daily life and work.

· Understand the philosophy and motives behind your decisions to achieve your dream life.

· Make wise decisions based on your values and principles.

· Discover a simple, smart decision-making process.

· Explore more than 15 decision tools that help you make decisions.

· Know how to make decisions during a crisis, under uncertainty, and in groups.

· Recognize and overcome your brain’s limitations when making decisions.

· Have an exit strategy and start making decisions proactively.

· Stop procrastinating and make your decisions become a reality.

Making decisions can be stressful time-consuming, and lead to missed opportunities or disastrous outcomes.

“In or Out” will help you easily handle decisions and control your future, making decisions that align with your goals and objectives. You’ll learn the meaning of a balanced, happy life and how to make decisions that create your happy life.

“In or Out” is a landmark book for making important decisions in your life. If you like expert advice, easy-to-follow instructions, and a down-to-earth teacher, then you’ll love A.I. Shoukry’s fantastic resource.

It’s Not Just About Running Reflections on Life and Change in Egypt

It’s Not Just About Running Reflections on Life and Change in Egypt

It’s not just about running is a heartfelt memoir from a surgeon, a father, and a politician. A must-read to get an insider perspective on Egypt’s political scene.

Shoukry finds himself in despair and fear of losing his freedom. He decided to take a break from politics and start running, but will he find freedom?

Shoukry describes his running moments like a window with a sunrise view for a prisoner kept in solitary confinement.

Witnessing the Egyptian revolution in 2011, chanting with the crowds “Bread, Freedom, Social Justice,” and living all its hopes and downfall, the author and political activist has truly put his heart on paper.

This book isn’t just about running; It’s a memoir about self-discovery and searching for freedom and the love of life. It’s about family and friends, relationships, and work.

This book is deceivingShoukry sneaks in reasons for running with gratitude. He shared unexpected bits of simple, thought-provoking wisdom.

In this book, Shoukry explores the meanings of faith, pain, stress, fear, death, life, solitude, happiness, and passion.

If you’ve ever dreamed of running—for your health, for your mind, for therapy, this book is for you.

Whether you’re a newbie runner, a seasoned pro, or have never donned a pair of running shoes but want to start—open this book and start running with Ahmed through Egypt.

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Anchor System Thinking

Searching for calm waters in a turbulent life? In an increasingly complex world, the need to understand where you stand and where you are going is fundamental on the personal, organizational, and societal level.

A. I. Shoukry—author of the bestselling book In or Out—introduces us to his innovative concept; anchor system thinking.

You are a vessel in the sea of life. Whether you like it or not, whether you float or sink, stand still or move forward, you are always anchored or searching for an anchor. And it’s better to know your anchor points than to be anchored without knowing. If you think you are floating freely, think again. Do you know your anchor points?

Anchor system thinking can be applied as a situational analysis tool on the personal, organizational, social, and even national levels. Anchor system thinking can, therefore, be used for problem-solving and strategic planning for personal, business, political, societal, geopolitical, or relational dilemmas.

In this short, insightful book, you will:
– Discover how to think using the anchor system thinking concept.
– Master anchor system thinking and its application on the personal, organizational, and societal levels.
– Understand various anchor points and how are we all anchored to location, time, social networks, and entities.
– Learn how to draw anchor maps for yourself, your organization, and society to understand your current status.
– Solve problems on the personal, organizational, and social level using anchor system thinking.
– Know how to be a reliable anchor point for others and excel at it.
– Practice the proactive anchoring technique for strategic future planning for yourself, your organization, and society.

Anchor System Thinking is an innovative paradigm that will change how you approach your life, work, and relationships forever.

So, buy Anchor System Thinking and start anchoring today!

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anchor system thinking: how to make life-changing decisions
Anchor System Thinking 2nd Edition

Dalai Lama declared that critical thinking is the most needed tool for our society today, and Shoukry has shared a system for critical thinking explained in simple terms.

A. I. Shoukry is a bestselling author and founder of The Decisions Academy, introduces his tested mental model, Anchor System Thinking.

Decision-making in uncertain times requires a fresh approach. A deeper understanding of our problems and ourselves to make life-changing decisions.

The Anchor System Thinking is so simple yet has broad and complex applications. Anchor System Thinking is best used in making big life decisions. Struggling in making a life-changing decision? Want to make a big life decision? Then this is the book for you.

The second edition of this book and is now fully revised, focused, and targeted towards individuals to apply in their daily lives.

This book is formed of three sections. Each section will take you a step further towards understanding and applying Anchor System Thinking in decision-making, planning, and problem-solving in your daily life.

  • The first section is an introduction to Anchor System Thinking.
  • In the second section, you will learn how to apply Anchor System Thinking in life and work to make great decisions.
  • In the third section, you will learn how to use Anchor System Thinking on a larger scale for your business and society.

Anchor System Thinking creates a personal network of decision gates to make choices consistent with your personal morals, ethics, and values. As such, you can evaluate your personal relationships and identify what is important and what is not and decide what can be made for the relationship’s best interests.

This book is short and easy to digest and finish. However, it is full of exercises.

The change needed will always happen on your side and not on the pages. It is you who will make the decisions and not someone else.

Nobody understands yourself as you do, and if you do not, this will book will help you.

By the end of Anchor System Thinking, you will understand where you stand, what you can and can’t change, and how to make decisions based on your core values, ethics, and personal preferences.

Enough for the talk now and start the journey.

Buy the book 

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